Positive thinking is Constructive thinking, thinking with proactive thoughts. Negative thinking is destructive thinking.for positive thinking you must believe in yourself.
Instead of feeling sorry for yourself you should work on solutions and move forward. Positive people emit positive vibrations that makes people bond. every one wants to work with them, associate with them. We can send the +ve vibrations. we call them charismatic, magnetic, hypnotic etc.
+ve thinking is basically proactive thinking and the benefits include: - increased immunity,
- a radiant glow on the face,
- a feeling that every day is worthwhile,
- better interpersonal relationships and
If someone hurts you, approach the person who has hurt you. Instead of letting a grudge linger, its important to jump the high hurdle and approach the person who has hurt you. expressing your feelings about the issue with them may be difficult to do, but it will leave you satisfied that you took the situation into your own hands. when voicing your feelings use "I feel" and not "You make me feel" statements, as this sets up defensiveness in others. Take responsibility for you own feelings. if someone has done something that has hurt you, address the behavior and not the person. focus on the person's behavior don't attack his or her character. During the conversion he may highlight your misbehavior. don't hesitate to apologise feel sorry for your mistakes from your heart. Watch the change that had taken place in the other person. he has become your fan. This is +ve behavior.